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Friday 1 December 2017

Trailhead is more personalized and smart than ever before

New HomePage

Trailhead has always been a great source to learn about salesforce and now it's more awesome. Recently, it has got a new personalized homepage which looks amazing.

Vanity URL

Not only this, you can make some great customization in your profile just go to your trailhead profile and click on the edit button in the top right corner of the about me section. 

Now what ? Noticed something new ? Yes you have got few more fields to fill up and showcase your personal opinion about the trailhead. It can be your favorite badge, the tune you like the most while doing trailheads, even you can also share your favorite natural wonder. But wait..!! there is something special here. Did you noticed My URL ?  Yup. you guessed it right. You can now customize your trailhead profile URL to make it yours. Your own personalized URL. Here is mine.

You have some rules to follow while configuring your vanity url. Make sure to have a look at them here

Isn't it amazing ? But wait there is something more.

My Trailhead

Salesforce has announced My Trailhead that will allow your company to customize the learning environment. This is not available yet but will be generally available in the 2nd half of 2018. It allows your company to create customized trailmixes for you and also track your progress, means your company can now help you improving your performance by forming a customized trailhead path just for you.

There is one more amazing feature you must have a look at.

Merge your trailhead accounts

Yes..! You can finally merge your trailhead accounts yourself. Salesforce gives you this functionality too now, just go to settings and you have the option to merge your trailhead account. Need to know more ? have a look at this article

Seize the Trail

Salesforce has given a golden opportunity to all the trailblazers. Do more and more trailheads and earn batches between Nov 13 - Dec 31' 2017 and you can be the lucky winner to earn any of these goodies depending upon your rank.You can look at the description here and if you have seen this now for the first time. Don't worry, you have still 1 month left to showcase your skills. #SeizetheTrail

So. What are you waiting for ? Go ahead and start doing trailheads now...!!


  1. Nice post
    Try writing about the overcoming from the previous realeases which is included in Winter's 18 , if you want more traffic to your blog.
