Aloha Trailblazers,
In this post, I'm sharing the code snippet for Coding with Confidence: The Fun Way to Learn Salesforce Apex tutorial series part 14 to 16:
// * Constants and Enums in Apex
? What is a Constant?
* A constant is a variable whose value cannot be updated after initialization. Constants are defined in apex using the "final" keyword.
final Decimal PI = 3.14;
System.debug('Value of PI Decimal constant is ' + PI);
PI = 2.45;
System.debug('Value of PI Decimal constant is ' + PI);
? What is an Enum?
* An enum (short for enumeration) is a special data type in programming that defines a fixed set of constants. They're a set of possible values that don't otherwise have a numerical order
DaysOfWeek currentDay = DaysOfWeek.SUNDAY;
System.debug('Current Day of Week is ' + currentDay);
// * Enum Methods
// * Getting all values of enum
List<DaysOfWeek> daysOfWeekValues = DaysOfWeek.values();
System.debug('Values of DaysOfWeek enum: ' + daysOfWeekValues);
// * Name of enum as string
String monday =;
System.debug('Converting MONDAY from enum to string: ' + monday);
// * String to enum
DaysOfWeek mondayEnum = DaysOfWeek.valueOf('tuesday');
System.debug('Converting monday from string to enum: ' + mondayEnum);
// * Ordinal - It'll return the position of current item, in the list of enum values starting from index 0
Integer thursdayIndex = DaysOfWeek.THURSDAY.ordinal();
System.debug('Ordinal of THURSDAY enum: ' + thursdayIndex);
System.debug('Is mondayEnum equal to MONDAY?: ' + DaysOfWeek.MONDAY.equals(mondayEnum));
// * Common example of enum
System.debug(LoggingLevel.NONE, 'Logging level set to NONE in this log');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, 'Logging level set to ERROR in this log');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.WARN, 'Logging level set to WARN in this log');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, 'Logging level set to INFO in this log');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'Logging level set to DEBUG in this log');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.FINE, 'Logging level set to FINE in this log');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.FINER, 'Logging level set to FINER in this log');
System.debug(LoggingLevel.FINEST, 'Logging level set to FINEST in this log');
YouTube Tutorials
You can check out the tutorials below as well:
Master Apex Constants: A Quick Guide - Salesforce Apex Tutorial Part 14
Unleash the Power of Enums in Apex! - Salesforce Apex Tutorial Part 15
Elevate Your Apex Logging with Enums: A Must-Watch! ⚡ - Salesforce Apex Tutorial Part 16
Happy Trailblazing!!
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