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Tuesday 23 January 2018

Salesforce Lightning Basics

Salesforce Lightning includes the Lightning Component Framework and some exciting tools for developers. Lightning framework allows you to build responsive applications with a much better user interface that people love to interact with. Lightning components give you a client-server framework that makes development faster and is compatible for both web as well as Salesforce 1 Mobile application. You can read in detail from the official salesforce docs here.

So, In this post I am going to tell you that what are the basics of lightning and then we'll learn how you can make a lightning component that fetch and display data from the server. To work on lightning, it is recommended that you know a little bit of JavaScript but if you don't,  no worries I am going to explain you everything to the best of my knowledge.

A salesforce lightning component mainly consist of 4 most important parts:-

1. Component
2. Controller
3. Helper
4. Apex Controller

While the first three work on the client side, the last one work on the server side. Apart from these Lightning uses Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) which can either be implemented by using ui tags or lightning tags. These tags are similar to the html tags that you have used somewhere before. We will mainly focus on using lightning tags instead of aura ui tags while we learn further because Salesforce recommend using lightning tags as they are optimized for common use cases and it is improving these day by day so that developers start using lightning tags that are optimmized for use by salesforce. You can have a look at the lightning tags in the original doc starting from here. Similarly, for the ui tags, you can have a look at them here.

So, now you have a brief overview that what is salesforce lightning and what are we going to learn in the upcoming posts, so let's have a look at the lightning design system website, the lightning and ui tags so that you can get a crisp of all these stuff as we are going to use them from my next post. 

Thanks for reading and follow or subscribe my blog to stay in touch about my latest posts so that you don't miss anything. Let's start development in Salesforce Lightning right now from scratch.

Below are the 5 tutorials in the Salesforce Lightning Basics Tutorial Series. You can watch each tutorial one by one starting from number 1 :-
  1. Salesforce Lightning Tutorial - Part 1 | Fetch and display data from server.
  2. Salesforce Lightning Tutorial - Part 2 | Update and Save Records.
  3. Salesforce Lightning Tutorial - Part 3 | Delete Records from Server.
  4. Salesforce Lightning Tutorial - Part 4 | Create new Records.
  5. Salesforce Lightning Tutorial - Part 5 | Adding Validations.
Here is the playlist on YouTube that you can refer to along with the blogs:-

Happy Trailblazing..!!


  1. Awesome Tutorials...
    But can you give some practice requirements that we can build on our own to gain confidence in lightning components

    1. Thanks for the suggestion will think about this and add in future tutorials :-)

  2. I eagerly read all the content. Thanks for posting the best idea. keep update the content just like this.

    1. Happy to know that you liked it :-) Make sure to share it among your network too..!!

  3. Its Really helpful Bro..thanks a lot
